Tomorrow night, Tuesday February 6th, is the eve of Tu B'Shvat, the Jewish New Years for trees.
To celebrate the holiday, Hillel will be screening the beautiful documentary "180 Degrees South"- a surfer retracing the inspiring journey from California to Patagonia of environmentally-cosncious outdoor clothing company Patagonia- and providing a fresh vegan dinner- and of course sharing a little of the Jewish Environmental perspective. The event will run from 5-8.
What has Green Club been up to recently and what's in the near future?
A couple weeks ago, a group of fearless green warriors took to every building on campus, slapping stickers calling for waste consciousness onto each and every public bathroom on campus!
This weekend we'll be joining Verti Gras, as they pilot their program aimed at a greener Mardi Gras. We'll be stationed at a number of recycling spots at the Krewe of Pontchartrain, where we'll be assisting with the recycling of plastics, cans, and mardi gras beads.
We've just launched the brainstorming of No Impact Week at Tulane. Inspired by the film No Impact Man, in which the subject avoids the production of any waste, we are going to hold events the week of April 1. Keep an eye out for the Facebook event we'll be using to generate ideas for the week.
In accordance with his Rainforest Rescue Coalition, Adam Bauer-Golden is leading a bike ride on the levee trail to raise money for rainforest conservation. He's asking that any rider raises $50 for the day. Some food will be provided.
Email if you're interested.
B.O.S.S. has been cooking up a storm. The DIY group has made some amazing Lavender salve and granola in recent weeks. Onto kombucha this week. We'll begin posting our notes from these sessions this week.
Enough of Tulane, what's going in the rest of the world?
New policies will streamline the process of approving off shore wind power projects (It formerly took 7-9 years!)- Will this actually translate into progress?
Food forests are the epitome of sustainable agriculture- orchards so diverse that they are able to function as a self-sufficient eco-system, requiring little to no human interaction once they become mature. Then they just flourish and churn out fruit like nobody's business. This is about a 2000 year old food forest in the Moroccan desert. WHAT!? Ancient agricultural masterminds. BAM
This is what a green city really is, and what we all need more of. TREES! You wouldn't need to go camping if this is what your street, in a very urban setting I might add, looked like. That being said, we're lucky to have Audubon right across the street.
Milan's air is horribly polluted…so they're building a vertical forest!
India is making it happen in the world of clean energy.
Released (former pet) pythons are decimating the mammal population in the Everglades.
This is what sustainability looks like! 5 cities doing it right
Rejecting obvious trends, Congress plans to boost funds to roads and cut biking and pedestrian programs.
Surprise! Lots of nasty spills in China. Similarly, China managed to dry up their largest (3,500 sq. km.) freshwater lake, Poyang Lake.
Director of 'Gasland,' responsible for much of the education about fracking's faults, was controversially arrested while trying to peacefully film footage of congressional hearings on fracking. This comes just as more reports draw links between fracking and water poisoning, and diseases. Also, estimates of natural gas reserves keep going down.
How have our friends Monsanto been doing?
…things are looking good for the bastards according to this story. Monsanto and it's rival Dow have partnered up on some level to "stack" their poisons. Further entrenching our food system in its near-sighted, poisonous addiction.
India takes a stand against GMOs
Even China isn't totally down for those Genetically Modified crops. Pretty inspiring!