Hey everyone,
I just wanted to put up a list of the committees for this year. If you would like to get involved with any of these contact me and we will make it happen! You can be in as many as you want. Also, if you have an idea for a new committee we can start it up.
Brett Levin - Blevin@tulane.edu
Executive Secretary
Shemi Benge- Abenge@tulane.edu
V.P. of Public Relation
Lucas Shum - lshum@tulane.edu
V.P. of Finance
Brad Bloomfield - Bbloomfi@tulane.edu
Outings Committee- Camping and other fun stuff
Marshal Hoda- Mhoda@tulane.edu
Jenna Streusand- Jstreusa@tulane.edu
Gardening- Gardening in the plot behind wall
Anna Eulau - aeulau@tulane.edu
Progressive Food- getting composting and local food on campus
Contact Me!
Animal Rights- Trips to ARNO and stuff with Campus Cats
Emily Bender- Ebender1@tulane.edu
Transportation- Getting the bike rental system started, bike help desk
Contact Me!
Sustainable Building
Mark Strella- Mstrella@tulane.edu
Volunteering and Enviro-Home Consulting- read more in the blogs below
Brett Levin- BLevin@tulane.edu
Recycling- promote recycling and keep the group up to date with on campus recycling information
Contact Me!
Grassroots- Getting Styrofoam off campus, taking on other initiatives, planning an Earthday festival
Contact Me!
As always the link to the calendar on the right side has an ongoing outline of our events.
Get involved, spread the word, get a bike, climb a tree.
~Brett Levin