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Sunday, February 24, 2013

A green and delicious weekend

Much of this weekend was spent at Tulane's own Environmental Law Summit, seeing awesome presentations about eclectic topics including GMOs, sea level rise in the gulf, green economics, the BP oil spill, copper mining in Alaska, and a talk from green business owner and keystone speaker Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia. Becoming well informed can build up an appetite, so in classic Green Club style we hosted a potluck dinner.

 Chernoff, Wil, and Sam brought overwhelming amounts of delicious fresh arugula!
 Screen printing stencils made by our own executive board members, Susannah and Dan

Complete with good friends and good food, the night was an overwhelming success.

Executive Vice Prez

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hullabaloo Article // Environmental Law Summit

Tulane's newspaper, The Hullabaloo, has just published a piece on our trip to the Forward On Climate rally in DC. It includes some fantastic photographs from our very own Sam Moore.
Check out the article here 

Tulane Law's annual Environmental Law Summit is this weekend. It is completely free to the public and has some great speakers, including the founder of Patagonia. Check out to find when each event is happening throughout the weekend. Hope to see you there!

President ~ Tulane Green Club

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Photos from Forward On Climate

So we made it! After a total of 34+ hours of driving (and the unfortunate carbon footprint that goes with it), we have completed our journey to DC to participate in the largest climate rally in the history of the United States of America. It was incredible. I have never in my life been around more people who all care about the Earth. Everybody was there for one thing: to tell Obama to shut down the KeystoneXL pipeline. Bill McKibben, co-founder, Mike Brune, Sierra Club executive Director, Van Jones, Obama's former green jobs advisor, and many other very inspirational speakers spoke on stage before we marched over to Obama's place, complete with chants, picket signs, harlem shakes, and dance circles.

Here's a few photos from the weekend. More soon to come.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

En Route to DC for Forward On Climate rally

We're passing through Virginia right now. Last night we were lucky enough to stay at a Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville. Tomorrow's the big day! We are updating twitter much more frequently than the blog so check the widget at the right for more up-to-date info. >>>>>>>>

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Meeting / Forward On Climate

We had a Green Club meeting Tuesday featuring two awesome speakers. One was Jeff Cantin, the president of Solar Alternatives, a New Orleans company that helps people go solar, and Angela from Sodexo who advertised a sustainability internship that they are currently looking to fill with a student. We got a great turnout tonight, over 30 people! Thanks to everyone who came out!

Here's a few things we also talked about at the meeting tonight:

  • Grab as many Mardi Gras beads as you can, bring them back to the dorms at Tulane, and recycle them in the big purple bins!
  • We will be screening The Island President, a great documentary about the former president of the maldives, on February 28th. 
  • If you'd like to volunteer to recycled beads at Thoth parade on Sunday, fill out this Google doc
  • And perhaps most importantly, we will be driving to DC to participate in Forward On Climate, a rally to get Obama to take action about climate change, particularly to reject the KeystoneXL pipeline. If you'd like to come with, email me at nstracco at tulane dot edu. It is going to be the largest climate rally in the history of the united states.

    Here's a few photos from our meeting on Tuesday

Jeff from Solar Alternatives

Angela from Sodexo

Thanks for reading!

President ~ Tulane Green Club