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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Storming the Brain with the President-Elect of Tulane Green Club

Greetings fellow humans!

We have decided who will assemble next year as the Executive Board of the Tulane Green Club for the 2012-2013 school year. Congratulations to the following:

President ~ Nick Stracco
Executive Vice President ~ Emma Collins
Vice President of Finances ~ Susannah Halbrook
Vice President of Education and Campus Concerns ~ Dan Coleman
Vice President of Lagniappe ~ Mallory Lowe
VP of Fresh Ideas ~ position left open for an incoming freshman with great potential 

This is Nick writing by the way. Hi there! I have been thinking a bunch lately about what I want to accomplish next year as president. I thought about sitting down and storming my brain, and I figured I may as well document it in our blog here. Ah yes! A brainstorm, that's exactly what I need.

Things to get done on campus:
♳ Create a policy for Technology Services to only buy recycled printer paper for our printers
♴ Continue and expand the Weird Recycling program (small bins in dorms to recycle weird recyclables like printer cartridges, batteries, cell phones etc.)
♵ Build new compost bins in the Glazer Garden behind Wall Residences
♶ Place compost buckets each of the dorms on campus. Regularly transport contents to the newly constructed bins in the Garden
♷ Change all the dorms' hallway light switches to motion-detectors and save tons of energy
♸ Petition professors to make double-sided printers the standard requirement for written assignments
♹ Get some dorms to install permanent clothes drying racks to reduce energy use by using dryers less

Events to throw:
Moving Planet Day 2nd Line with (We got on their international video last year, TWICE! :05 and 1:15, check the Tulane shirts! Another link in case the first one doesn't have the video on it)
♴ Free vegetarian food for Crawfest! It was a huge hit this year and we should do it again
♵ Go on lots of nature and camping trips, both with the Reily Center and by ourselves
♶ Go Veggie Week with Tulane Veggie Club
♷ No Impact Week  ~ people pledge to try things for a week to minimize their environmental impact
♸ Green parties with BYOcups, non-disposable only
♹ More ninja task forces ~ guerrilla environmentalism i.e. friendly suggestions on ways to be less impactful on nature and natural resources
♺ Continue the Green Club Lecture Series ~ Invite professors and other well-informed individuals to present about anything they're passionate about relating to nature and/or the environment

Cool local organizations to volunteer with:
♳ Bike Easy
Green Light New Orleans
The Sierra Club
♶ Yours if you're in one and need volunteers! I'll leave my email address below

Leadership goals for the Executive Board:
♳ Be open to feedback
♴ Be accountable
♵ Accomplish something you're passionate about
♶ Have fun together
♷ Have each other’s backs
♸ Address conflicts early
♹ Interact with the general body, don’t just talk at them

I'm super excited about next year. The incoming E-Board is awesome (seriously, I'm very excited to work with you all) and we're definitely going to kick some butt. Again, this is just one of many storms of the brain. I likely left out some things, and I most certainly did not think of everything.
If you have any feedback at all, such as suggestions, inquiries, volunteer ideas, or just want to say Hi, feel free to email me personally. 

Thanks for reading.

Nick Stracco
nstracco (at)
President-Elect | Tulane Green Club
May 17th 2012